I have about 800 “friends” on Facebook, but only about 40 that I keep close track of—mostly family and long-time friends. Most are church friends—but some are recovered or recovering homeless people whom we have helped in our ministry. Numerous times, I have found somebody who needed help and I answered them with some kind words, a scripture or an article I have written on their subject. I remember one of our former guests lecturing other women on staying away from cigarettes, alcohol and drugs when they were pregnant—I encouraged her. Another man, whom I’ve known for 10 years, never thought he would have a wife or family, but I encouraged him as he drifted around the country, and now he is well on his way to a family! I would not be embarrassed for my wife, family or the entire Shepherd’s Voice Magazine readership to read anything I have written on Facebook. I am still learning, but I have learned to talk about God and the Bible to many people without them “unfriending” me. I think it is a wonderful evangelistic opportunity, and hope many computer-happy believers will take advantage of it.