
Dear brother in Christ:

Greetings. My name is Stephen Karuga Kariuki, an elder in an independent, small congregation in Kenya called Sabbatarian Church of God.

We joined the independent movement through the inspiration of independent brethren such as Church Of God Big Sandy, the late Ray Wooten, and our dear friend Dennis Mouland, etc.

We broke away from the Armstrongism hierarchical way and have been shunned by the Armstrongist spin-offs around us. I followed all the educating material in the Servants’ News and now subscribe to the Shepherd’s Voice Magazine. I have shared your articles in the Servants’ News to many former WCG members to help them overcome the mind control created for many years by the corporate church. I am happy to say that I personally and a few with me have now embraced the concept of the spiritual organism and unity of the spirit in the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:1-3).

Servant leadership, avoiding titles (Revelation 2:2), not coercing people to contribute a certain percentage of their income to build a religious empire. We have understood cheerful giving which builds character (Romans 12:1-2).

Two of your writings helped us most to grow in grace and knowledge of Christ:

  1. How Does the Eternal Govern Through Humans?
  2. How Do We Give to the Eternal? I feel you should rewrite these two for general edification removing the WCG references for distribution to all religious groups.

I just want to personally thank you for the good work in the independent movement. I am not in a position to give a financial donation, but know I have prayed for you and your team all along and will continue. I have received much from your service – my main appreciation has been sharing with others by photocopying and preaching in our small local church. [Address change information not included]

Our country is facing a very contentious repeat presidential election on October 10, 2017, one week from now. Please mention us in your private prayers. There have been deaths, as politicians compete for political power. Elections are very emotive here.

Thanks brother; pass my regards to the staff brethren behind Shepherds Voice Magazine. It is like a breath of fresh air, independent minded, joyfully expressing the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. And by this, the world will believe that Christ was sent to affect it in us (John 17:21).

A brother in Kenya that those in the US never have met but one in Christ and in the Father forming a spiritual organism, with a common hope. Shalom and God bless.

Stephen Karuga Kariuki


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