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This page contains letters written to Shepherd’s Voice Magazine and Norm Edward’s published answers over a period from 2011 to 2019. We all have questions. We want to know other peoples questions, and see that we are not alone. We also want Bible answers. Perfect answers cannot be guaranteed, but we believe you will find caring, sincere and studied answers.

He no longer writes for SVM as he is now focusing his energies and talents on a new ministry.

Browse the topics, click on the green plus sign to read a whole question and then click READ NORM’S REPLY for its answer.

A Paradoxial Question on the Second Coming, and How did John the Baptist escape Herod's Edict?

Read Norm’s Reply

Dear Norm,

I have a couple of questions for your consideration that were never properly addressed by [my church] that I know of.

How is it that the world will have gone through uprisings (Matt 24:7), martyrdoms (Matt 24:9); famines (Rev 6:6), plagues (Rev 6:8), a massive earthquake darkening the sun, a meteor shower (Rev 6:12-13), a third of trees being burned (Rev 8:7), comet strike (Rev 8:8) and not be expecting the Second Coming? If you read Matthew 24:38-39 there will be some place on this earth where people seem completely oblivious to what has gone on. The Second Coming will be totally unexpected to these people (Matt 24:43). There will still be governments functioning (Rev 17:12-13) and even capable of fighting a war (Dan 11:40). I don’t understand the paradox.

My second question is a lot simpler. How was John the Baptist able to escape Herod’s edict that all children under the age of two be killed?

I realize that you are a busy man and that you most likely won’t be able to give a direct answer but I hope you will consider what I have asked.

Thank you. Sincerely, Raymond Chandler

A Repsonse to a Self-Proclaimed Heritic

Read Norm’s Reply

Dear Norm, (February 11, 2012)

[Please send me Shepherd’s Voice Magazine.]

I was born and raised in Glasgow, Scotland. Joined the British Army, Royal Army Medical Corps, and took a nursing degree. I stayed in Germany 10 years. When I returned to the UK it was very difficult to speak English again! I went to Portland Bible College and got my BA in Theology and then stayed another 3 years to complete a ministry training course.

My religious beliefs would brand me as a heretic:

  1. I believe that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone for Christ’s sake
  2. I am a committed Five Point Calvinist.
  3. I hold the doctrine of
  4. I am an Evangelical Unitarian (I believe the doctrine of the Trinity is utter blasphemy and that those who worship Jesus as God are committing idolatry)
  5. I keep the seventh day Sabbath.
  6. I observe the Biblical Clean and Unclean food laws.
  7. I believe in Conditional
  8. Postmillennialist
  9. I believe in Replacement Theology (the church has replaced Israel)
  10. I am against Christian Zionism and do not believe that Christians should support the state of Israel.
  11. I am a continuationist (spiritual gifts still function in the church today).
  12. I have a very low
  13. I am against celebrating pagan feast days i.e. Christmas, Halloween, and

John, Vancouver, Wash

Can We Trust the Bible to Speak for God?

Read Norm’s Reply

Can We Trust the Bible When It Claims to Speak for God?

Even what is called “the Bible” is INK on PAPER, and because writers of past ages made such claims as “thus saith the Lord” or “all scripture is given by inspiration of God” and similar statements, millions have believed that God in heaven is the author. None of us living today are personal witnesses to anything from Genesis to Revelation, but we have been indoctrinated to believe that these writings are the “infallible and inerrant word of God.” For those of us who do believe in Jesus Christ, we do so by FAITH and there is no other option or possibility, since Jesus Christ has not appeared to any of us in a physical form and spoken with us verbally and told us what absolute truth is.

Human beings have always from thousands of years ago, put words in the mouth of God that God never spoke and virtually any writer in history could easily pen the words “thus saith the Lord”, “God commanded”, “God spoke”, “God said”, “God told me”, “the Holy Spirit told me” or any number of similar phrases, and cause the readers of such writings to think that God is the source, when it is entirely possible that He was not.

Originally published in SVM Winter 2012



The OT God is Barbaric? Book of Revelation is Fiction?

Read Norm’s Reply

Is God “Barbaric” in the Old Testament?

I am a believer in Jesus Christ and based upon the four Gospels, His primary teaching is about LOVE, COMPASSION, MERCY, EMPATHY and HUMILITY. That makes sense to my logic, where many of the other writings in the Bible, both Old and New Testaments do not. I consider the Old Testament as portraying God in such a barbaric manner, that it defies human conscience, as does the fictional book of “Revelation”.

Originally published in SVM Winter 2012



Episode of Ananias and Sapphira faked to invoke Fear and Control?


Read Norm’s Reply

Ananias and Sapphira Struck Dead for Lying: Is the Story Fake?

My senses tell me that the real inventors of the Bible, sought to instill FEAR of religious and secular rulers in the minds of human beings. For example, in the story about Ananias and Sapphira supposedly being struck dead at the feet of Peter over lying and money matters, it is such a contradiction to what Jesus taught, that I have to regard it with total suspicion and, in fact, as pure fiction. How interesting that the Roman Catholic Church traces (falsely) its origin to Peter and no doubt whoever really “inspired” the Ananias and Sapphira fairy tale, had ulterior motives to cause people to FEAR the future coming “Popes” and “pastors” of the church world.

Originally published in SVM Winter 2012



Ok to Paraphrase Scripture?


Read Norm’s Reply

OK to Paraphrase Scripture?

Although there are some places where the Bible is mistranslated and there are also some outright corruptions, for the most part, God gets His message across.

The Bible is the word of God, though God used imperfect men to translate it. I like the NIV a lot even though some say it is corrupted. One example is Revelation 22:14. The NIV says, “Blessed are those who wash their robes…” and the KJV says “Blessed are they that do his commandments…” We use about 4 different translations for comparison and trust that the Holy Spirit will guide us in our understanding of what God wants us to know. A paraphrase is “okay” to read personally, but I would never recommend teaching from it as it is not “the” inspired word of God. (You have to keep that in mind when reading.) Those well versed in the scriptures are able to do that, but Babes in Christ need “the” Word for a foundation first.

Originally published in SVM Spring 2014



Shouldn't Believers abstain from Boy Scouts and other secular institutions because of their immoral teachings?


Read Norm’s Reply

Shouldn’t Believers abstain from Boy Scouts and other secular institutions because of their immoral teachings?

I can’t agree with you when it comes to the Boy Scouts, Norm. I mentioned the Boy Scout Memorial in a previous letter and I am most serious when I say you should check it out. The memorial is found in Wash. DC on 15th street between E Street and Constitution Ave. The Boy Scouts of America was founded by a Freemason named Daniel Carter Beard. The memorial is a representation of the Pythagorean Alchemical Formula. It is an esoteric symbol and has occult meaning. Even if you can’t go to Wash DC, you should be able to find plenty of info on the computer. And with the “Scouts” passing out condoms and embracing homosexuality, it should be evident that true Christians should have nothing to do with it. James 4:4 says, “…whoever desires to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. 2 Corinthians 6:14-17 says, “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers” and “come out from the midst of them and be separate.” Joining worldly organizations cannot be pleasing to God. When God says friendship with the world is enmity with God, I think he means it and we need to seriously consider it. This Satanic society that we have been raised in from birth has us fooled in so many ways, but God wants us to wake up and come out of her and be separate.

Originally published in SVM Spring 2014



Having a Facebook account freindship with the world?


Read Norm’s Reply

Having a Facebook account friendship with the world?

Once again, I will say, “Facebook is friendship with the world.” Well, thank you for taking the time to listen. I look forward to the next edition of Shepherd’s Voice.

Originally published in SVM Spring 2014



Ask Norm! Winter 2019 – 1

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM -Winter/Spring 2017 We really look forward to receiving your magazine that we love so much.   I have always wondered why there are still giants after the flood. I have heard explanations, but they seem improbable to me. I hope...

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Ask Norm! Winter 2019 – 2

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM -Winter 2019Yahweh be praised! HalleluYah!  What about cremation? Is it proper for believers? Circumcision? Birth control? Thank you for your reply. Sincerely,Dear N. Koehl Thanks for all these good questions in a short letter!...

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Ask Norm! – SVM Winter 2018

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Winter 2018 10/19/17 Dear brother in Christ: Greetings. My name is Stephen Karuga Kariuki, an elder in an independent, small congregation in Kenya called Sabbatarian Church of God. We joined the independent movement through...

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Ask Norm!

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Summer 2017 The following heartfelt letter was received in regard to the What Is Your Ministry Model? article in the Fall/Winter 2014 SVM. It has been condensed with the author’s permission. To recap the five ministry models,...

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Ask Norm! – SVM Winter/Spring 2017

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM -Winter/Spring 2017 December 1, 2016 Dear Norm: I have a statement with a follow-up question that maybe you can address in an up-coming “Ask Norm!” in SVM. In Isaiah 9:6 where multiple titles are prophetically attributed to...

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Ask Norm 2 – SVM Winter/Spring 2017

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM -Winter/Spring 2017 - 2 Norm: Who did Peter acknowledge when stating the prohibition to eating with common men or people of another religion? (Rich Traver quoted Acts 10:28 in his article.) My question has always been what Bible...

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Ask Norm – 3 – SVM Winter/Spring 2017

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Winter/Spring 2017 - 3 Dear SVM  Please explain 1 Corinthians 10:23-33, 1 Corinthians 10:14-22 and Revelation 2:14. Is it wrong to eat Easter eggs, buns or fruitcake that the shops are selling during Easter or Christmas? —...

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Ask Norm – 4 – SVM Winter/Spring 2017

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Winter/Spring 2017 - 4 January 22, 2016 Greetings to Norman Edwards and associates: I send love, joy, peace, kindness and hope for what we do not see (Romans 8:25): The future World of Tomorrow under the rulership of Jesus...

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Ask Norm! – SVM Fall 2016

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Fall 2016 July 5, 2016 Hello Jim Patterson and Greetings to the staff: I want to say that I really like Jim’s latest article False Brethren among God’s People (Spring/Summer 2016 Issue). What else can I say? We have a problem....

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Ask Norm – SVM Spring 2015 – 4

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Spring 2015 - 4 Dear Norm! I really liked your article in the summer 2014 SVM on Learning from the Samaritans. I have felt this way for a long time now. My mother-in-law is a Protestant, Church of Christ, Sunday and...

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Ask Norm – SVM Winter 2016 – 3

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Winter 2016 - 3 January 11, 2015 Dear Norm and others, Greetings from our little band of Christians, here in Canada: Brigitte, Guy and Marilyn! It was very interesting viewing all the latest on your grown-up family, and your...

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ASK NORM – SVM Winter 2016 – 2

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Winter 2016 - 2 March 2, 2016 Hello Norman: Over 20 years ago many of us who were members of the Worldwide Church of God began to see our spiritual world fall apart and crumble. In many ways it was as if our spiritual ship had...

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ASK NORM – SVM Winter 2016 – 1

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Winter 2016 - 1 Hello Norman, Here is something to think about… “They” say Jesus would come after 2000 years and that 2000 years have come and gone, so where is He? Maybe the 2000 years should be reckoned from his death and...

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Ask Norm – SVM Fall 2015 – 3

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Fall 2015 - 3 November 9, 2014 To Ask Norm! Christ tells us if we wish to be the children of our Father in Heaven then we are to “Love our enemies, bless them that curse us, do good to them that hate us, forgive—even unto...

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ASK NORM – SVM Fall 2015 – 2

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Fall 2015 - 2 June 26, 2015 Hello Norm, In Everett’s article on the so called ‘added law’ he seems to have concluded that the Law of Moses is that written in the book of Deuteronomy. I certainly agree that all this needs a...

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Ask Norm – SVM Fall 2015 – 1

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Fall 2015 - 1 October 12, 2015 Dear Brethren: The articles in the spring 2015 issue of Shepherd’s Voice Magazine. The Long-Term Effect of the Rebellion: A Study on the Added “Law of Moses” offered the best examination and...

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Ask Norm – SVM Spring 2015 – 3

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Spring 2015 - 3 November 28, 2014 Dear Norm! I want to commend you on the latest issue of Shepherd’s Voice Magazine. I am just overjoyed about the third paragraph in the left hand column of page 17 where you state the Bible...

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Ask Norm – SVM Spring 2015 – 2

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Spring 2015 - 2 March 26, 2014 Hello Norm! Passover and Wave sheaf go together. Just as the Passover is a solemn reminder of Christ’s death for our sins and the renewal of the covenant we entered into with Him, so the Wave...

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Ask Norm – SVM Spring 2015 – 1

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Spring 2015 SVM: I strongly feel the Scriptures in John 14:12 ought to be taken more seriously by all Christians so that the Body of Christ will grow up into maturity and attain the whole measure of the fullness of Christ and...

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Ask Norm – SVM Winter 2014 – 3

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Winter 2014 - 3 February 7, 2014 Sir, Enclosed is a small offering to help promote the gospel. I wish it could be more. But I just work part time. It is just my opinion, but here it is. What is the most important thing God...

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Ask Norm – SVM Winter 2014 – 2

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Winter 2014 - 2 January 17, 2014 Dear S.V. magazine, “Ask Norm!” I am very happy to be on your mailing list and first time writing. May God’s grace and mercy be upon you and family. Me and another inmate were discussing...

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Ask Norm – SVM Winter 2014 – 1

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Winter 2014 - 1 December 22, 2013 Dear Norm, In the beginning when He created the heavens and the earth, what was the Holy One of Israel thinking? What vision guides Him, then, now, and forward, driving all His works, fueling...

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Ask Norm – SVM Fall 2014 – 3

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Fall 2014 - 3 Hi Norman, Shabbat Shalom. Thanks for your Shepherd’s Voice. Have you noticed something about the 24 elders in the book of Revelation? In Revelation 5:8-10, the four living creatures and 24 elders sang a new...

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Ask Norm – SVM Fall 2014 – 2

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Fall 2014 - 2 July 19, 2014 Dear brothers & sisters at S.V.M.: I pray everyone is having a peaceful Sabbath day. Here in Coral, Michigan, it was 75°and sunshine, and I spent the majority of my Sabbath sitting outside,...

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Ask Norm SVM Fall 2014 – 1

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Fall 2014 - 1 Dear Norm, Shalom v’Ahav (Peace and Love), May this letter reach you and yours in the presence of angels and filled with the Ruach ha’Qodesh (the Holy Spirit). I received the Fall 2013 Issue of Shepherd’s Voice...

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Ask Norm SVM Summer 2014 – 3

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Summer 2014 - 3 Hi Norman, I’ve read the “divorce and remarriage” article which helped me to understand what God wanted in a married life. Thanks for the article. Now, I’m writing this question looking for answers in the Bible...

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Ask Norm SVM Summer 2014 – 2

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Summer 2014 - 2 August 6, 2014 To Shepherd’s Voice: Just a quick note to let you know that I admire and appreciate the quality of your printed articles and the elegance of the fine paper on which they are printed—nothing cheap...

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Ask Norm SVM Summer 2014 – 1

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Summer 2014 - 1 January 8, 2014 Dear Norm and Shepherd’s Voice, I finally got around to rereading Jim B. Peterson’s article on the Significance of Barley and Wheat. I also reread the rest of the articles and I would have to...

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Ask Norm! Spring 2014 – 3

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Spring 2014 Once again, I will say, “Facebook is friendship with the world.” Well, thank you for taking the time to listen. I look forward to the next edition of Shepherd’s Voice.If one is tempted to sin using Facebook, then...

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Ask Norm! Spring 2014 – 2

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Spring 2014 I can’t agree with you when it comes to the Boy Scouts, Norm. I mentioned the Boy Scout Memorial in a previous letter and I am most serious when I say you should check it out. The memorial is found in Wash. DC on...

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Ask Norm! SVM Spring 2014 -1

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Spring 2014 Although there are some places where the Bible is mistranslated and there are also some outright corruptions, for the most part, God gets His message across. The Bible is the word of God, though God used imperfect...

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Ask Norm SVM Winter 2013-2

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Winter 2013-2 February 4, 2013 Hi Norm, I am very interested in knowing how I know if I have the gift of knowledge from the Lord. I receive words and feel I want to share them. I have received some and shown them to someone at...

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Ask Norm SVM Winter 2013 1

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Winter 2013-1 February 12, 2013 Dear  Norm, I read with interest your paper on a [a new church group’s] Doctrinal Position? It was excellent. I wanted to get a copy of the April 7, 1997 [new group’s publication]. I was very...

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Ask Norm SVM Fall 2013 -2

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Fall 2011 November 18, 2013 Dear Norm, Greetings and Salutations to you in the Names of Yahuah El Elyon and His Son Yahusha the Anointed One. I’d like to address a question to you that I know you’ve been asked many times in...

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Ask Norm SVM Fall 2013

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Fall 2013 Dear Norm, I was born and raised SDA. I had to go the rebel way for many years. Our gracious Creator found me “bleeding” on the floor of a solitary jail cell, and took my pain. A couple weeks later, after continuing...

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Ask Norm Summer 2013 – 2

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Summer 2013 February 2013 Attention: Norman Edwards I have been a member of the Church of God since my involvement with the Worldwide Church of God in 1981. I am presently involved in the Education Ministry at our local...

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Ask Norm! SVM Summer 2013

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards Ask Norm! SVM - Summer 2013 Dear Norm, Hi how are you? I had a question about the biblical calendar which I am hoping you can help me out with. My question is as follows: Let’s say I have a start date in the Gregorian calendar. I also...

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Ask Norm Winter 2012-3

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Winter 2012 Ananias and Sapphira Struck Dead for Lying: Is the Story Fake? My senses tell me that the real inventors of the Bible, sought to instill FEAR of religious and secular rulers in the minds of human beings. For...

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Ask Norm Winter 2012-2

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Winter 2012 Is God “Barbaric” in the Old Testament? I am a believer in Jesus Christ and based upon the four Gospels, His primary teaching is about LOVE, COMPASSION, MERCY, EMPATHY and HUMILITY. That makes sense to my logic,...

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Ask Norm – SVM Winter 2012-1

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Winter 2012 Can We Trust the Bible When It Claims to Speak for God? Even what is called “the Bible” is INK on PAPER, and because writers of past ages made such claims as “thus saith the Lord” or “all scripture is given by...

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Ask Norm – SVM Spring 2012

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Spring 2012 Dear Norm, (February 11, 2012) [Please send me Shepherd’s Voice Magazine.] I was born and raised in Glasgow, Scotland. Joined the British Army, Royal Army Medical Corps, and took a nursing degree. I stayed in...

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Ask Norm – SVM Fall 2011

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Fall 2011 Dear Norm, I have a couple of questions for your consideration that were never properly addressed by [my church] that I know of. How is it that the world will have gone through uprisings (Matt 24:7), martyrdoms (Matt...

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