End Time Preparation

End Time Preparation

Is this the End Time that the Bible talks about? Many Christians feel it is. Even many secular students of history are warning us about a foreboding sense of doom they feel. We should be aware of what’s going on around us. In this article I would like to focus on two...
The Doctrine of the Stones

The Doctrine of the Stones

Anyone will become aware of the various contentions that arise over doctrine; often surrounding points of view about the nature of God or proper worship. Although in this article we will touch on a couple of specific teachings that give birth to contentions and...
The Joy Of Overcoming

The Joy Of Overcoming

The apostle James has a special message for those who struggle in trials. If we embrace his message, we can live truly effective lives that are pleasing and useful to God, bring clarity to our minds in times of confusion, and have a deeper realization of what our...