
Ezekiel’s Message

Ezekiel’s Message

The book of Ezekiel is often used by certain ministries to stress the importance of the Church to also be a Watchman to the United States and the western world. They claim Ezekiel’s message was not meant for a nation already in captivity, but for a modern Anglo-Israel in the far future – today. What was the prophecy Ezekiel had to give to the House of Israel? Was the prophecy fulfilled? Is the role of the Church today to be a Watchman? This article breaks it down.

Suffer the Sermon

What can we do to ensure that we ourselves and others continue in sound doctrine? Enduring sound doctrine will bring great personal reward in this present life, and beyond our capacity to imagine in the Kingdom of God

Harmony in The Church

Matthew 18:15-17 provides a methodology for resolving issues of various kinds between and among brethren at the personal level. The overall context for this scriptural process of conflict resolution shows that Jesus’ ultimate goal is to save what is lost to sin. The motivation behind any resolution must be to restore.

A Study on the Added “Law of Moses”

The Law of Moses is about a way of life that gave people many things to do in an effort to prevent them from going back into sinful practices. It was never intended to produce eternal life. It was intended to remind Israel of God’s laws, lest they break them so badly that He would destroy them, and to show them His salvation to come through Christ

Faith Interrupted – Jim Patterson – FOT 2019

The Gospel that Sells – Jim Patterson

From the Fiery Serpents to John 3:16


Friends in the Work


Independent Canadian Ministry – Calgary


Independent Canadian Ministry – Winnipeg


Children of the Promises


Footsteps – By Anne Koenig


Chicagoland Church of God


Golden Sheaves


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