
Wrestling with Evil

Wrestling with Evil

The spiritual powers at work to destroy a Christian are fueled by beings with mental capacities that exceed the physical, including the degree of wickedness. You cannot reason with evil nor negotiate a peace.

Ask Norm! Winter 2019 – 1

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM -Winter/Spring 2017 We really look forward to receiving your magazine that we love so much.   I have always wondered why there are still giants after the flood. I have heard explanations, but they seem improbable to me. I hope...

Ask Norm! Winter 2019 – 2

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM -Winter 2019Yahweh be praised! HalleluYah!  What about cremation? Is it proper for believers? Circumcision? Birth control? Thank you for your reply. Sincerely,Dear N. Koehl Thanks for all these good questions in a short letter!...

Claims on God

Claims on God

Jesus Christ well recognized that many would make their claim on Him. The sensitive reader may detect that the word “claim” is being used here in the not so positive sense of the word. “But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do the things which I say? (Luke...

Leftovers and Little Things

Leftovers and Little Things

Looking at things from another perspective often helps give insights not otherwise easily understood. Growing in grace and knowledge will give the believer the benefit of seeing life and creation from new vantage points as God reveals Himself. As large as our God is,...

False Brethren Among God’s People

False Brethren Among God’s People

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves (Matthew 7:15). The Church of God does have its share of misguided individuals, to put it politely. Some of them remain on the fringes of the Church, perhaps...

To the Angel of the Scattered Churches

To the Angel of the Scattered Churches

A number of years ago at the Feast of Tabernacles located at a small retreat in southern Ontario, a gentleman made a comment to me in which he lamented “ the Church of God is so scattered” as he shook his head in disappointment. I do understand his concern, and at...

The Influence of Leadership

The Influence of Leadership

The role of teaching in a congregation presumes a leadership work in some capacity, and the role such a person assumes will have a kind of authority that will vary from one congregation to another. Teaching is a highly regarded work in scripture (Acts 13:1-3;...

Kingdom Misconceptions

Kingdom Misconceptions

Since the time of Jesus Christ, mankind has held various misconceptions of the Kingdom of God. Our own ideas of government and organizations that are born out of worldly experience can lead us to conceive God’s Kingdom is a glorious ideal of the same form. This...

Faith Interrupted – Jim Patterson – FOT 2019

The Gospel that Sells – Jim Patterson

From the Fiery Serpents to John 3:16


Friends in the Work


Independent Canadian Ministry – Calgary


Independent Canadian Ministry – Winnipeg


Children of the Promises


Footsteps – By Anne Koenig


Chicagoland Church of God


Golden Sheaves


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