Welcome to Shepherd's Voice Magazine

Shepherd’s Voice Magazine is a periodical and internet media outreach produced for the Sabbath and Holy Day keeping members of God’s Church.


The Blessings of Revelation – SVM Fall 2011

By Jim Patterson SVM Fall 2011 When Jesus Christ came to live amongst us in the flesh, He came to reveal the Father. The revelation of the Father to mankind is the beginning of eternal life and our experience of the Kingdom of God. When scripture speaks of revelation, it speaks of not mere explanation or new information. Revelation gives us a new view of God. It transports the mind of a believer...

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Ask Norm! – SVM Winter 2018

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Winter 2018 10/19/17 Dear brother in Christ: Greetings. My name is Stephen Karuga Kariuki, an elder in an independent, small congregation in Kenya called Sabbatarian Church of God. We joined the independent movement through the inspiration of independent brethren such as Church Of God Big Sandy, the late Ray Wooten, and our dear friend Dennis Mouland,...

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Ask Norm!

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Summer 2017 The following heartfelt letter was received in regard to the What Is Your Ministry Model? article in the Fall/Winter 2014 SVM. It has been condensed with the author’s permission. To recap the five ministry models, think about how a person in any particular ministry or church would answer these questions: Is your ministry the only one that God...

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Ask Norm! – SVM Winter/Spring 2017

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM -Winter/Spring 2017 December 1, 2016 Dear Norm: I have a statement with a follow-up question that maybe you can address in an up-coming “Ask Norm!” in SVM. In Isaiah 9:6 where multiple titles are prophetically attributed to Yahushua ha’ Mashiach (Jesus the Christ), one of these titles has been erroneously translated in almost every translation that I’ve...

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Ask Norm 2 – SVM Winter/Spring 2017

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM -Winter/Spring 2017 - 2 Norm: Who did Peter acknowledge when stating the prohibition to eating with common men or people of another religion? (Rich Traver quoted Acts 10:28 in his article.) My question has always been what Bible or Torah law prohibits Jews from eating with non-Jews? My theory is Peter was following the customs of the Rabbinic thinking...

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Ask Norm – 3 – SVM Winter/Spring 2017

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Winter/Spring 2017 - 3 Dear SVM  Please explain 1 Corinthians 10:23-33, 1 Corinthians 10:14-22 and Revelation 2:14. Is it wrong to eat Easter eggs, buns or fruitcake that the shops are selling during Easter or Christmas? — M.B. via e-mailDear M.B., I can see why you asked the question. You are applying the principles about meat sacrificed to idols to...

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Ask Norm – 4 – SVM Winter/Spring 2017

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Winter/Spring 2017 - 4 January 22, 2016 Greetings to Norman Edwards and associates: I send love, joy, peace, kindness and hope for what we do not see (Romans 8:25): The future World of Tomorrow under the rulership of Jesus Christ our King and Savior. Norman and friends, I want to share some really wonderful news with you all. Great things in harmony with...

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Ask Norm! – SVM Fall 2016

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Fall 2016 July 5, 2016 Hello Jim Patterson and Greetings to the staff: I want to say that I really like Jim’s latest article False Brethren among God’s People (Spring/Summer 2016 Issue). What else can I say? We have a problem. It is one of the biggest “church problems”. We bury ourselves in our little group and divide the people. God knows we are divided...

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Ask Norm – SVM Spring 2015 – 4

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Spring 2015 - 4 Dear Norm! I really liked your article in the summer 2014 SVM on Learning from the Samaritans. I have felt this way for a long time now. My mother-in-law is a Protestant, Church of Christ, Sunday and Christmas-keeping believer in Jesus Christ and the Father. There is more good in her little finger than there is in all of me. She repented...

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Ask Norm – SVM Winter 2016 – 3

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Winter 2016 - 3 January 11, 2015 Dear Norm and others, Greetings from our little band of Christians, here in Canada: Brigitte, Guy and Marilyn! It was very interesting viewing all the latest on your grown-up family, and your operation for needy people in your area. It’s quite an operation of Faith. All the material you sent really brought us up to date...

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Faith Interrupted – Jim Patterson – FOT 2019

The Gospel that Sells – Jim Patterson

From the Fiery Serpents to John 3:16


Friends in the Work


Independent Canadian Ministry – Calgary


Independent Canadian Ministry – Winnipeg


Children of the Promises


Footsteps – By Anne Koenig


Chicagoland Church of God


Golden Sheaves


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