Welcome to Shepherd's Voice Magazine

Shepherd’s Voice Magazine is a periodical and internet media outreach produced for the Sabbath and Holy Day keeping members of God’s Church.


ASK NORM – SVM Winter 2016 – 2

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Winter 2016 - 2 March 2, 2016 Hello Norman: Over 20 years ago many of us who were members of the Worldwide Church of God began to see our spiritual world fall apart and crumble. In many ways it was as if our spiritual ship had wrecked and we were desperately searching for a life raft or even anything to grab hold of—anything to keep us from sinking and...

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ASK NORM – SVM Winter 2016 – 1

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Winter 2016 - 1 Hello Norman, Here is something to think about… “They” say Jesus would come after 2000 years and that 2000 years have come and gone, so where is He? Maybe the 2000 years should be reckoned from his death and resurrection rather than from his birth. In that case we are getting close. We still can’t know exactly because there is much debate...

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Ask Norm – SVM Fall 2015 – 3

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Fall 2015 - 3 November 9, 2014 To Ask Norm! Christ tells us if we wish to be the children of our Father in Heaven then we are to “Love our enemies, bless them that curse us, do good to them that hate us, forgive—even unto seventy times seven!” “Let not the sun go down on your wrath.” “Overcome evil with good,” says Paul the Apostle. Yet, when we come to...

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ASK NORM – SVM Fall 2015 – 2

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Fall 2015 - 2 June 26, 2015 Hello Norm, In Everett’s article on the so called ‘added law’ he seems to have concluded that the Law of Moses is that written in the book of Deuteronomy. I certainly agree that all this needs a rethink, but I feel he has missed the point and made the whole subject far too complex. Israel agreed at Sinai to keep all that Moses...

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Ask Norm – SVM Fall 2015 – 1

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Fall 2015 - 1 October 12, 2015 Dear Brethren: The articles in the spring 2015 issue of Shepherd’s Voice Magazine. The Long-Term Effect of the Rebellion: A Study on the Added “Law of Moses” offered the best examination and explanation of the subjects that I have ever seen or heard anywhere. I have read and studied through it and plan to go through it...

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Ask Norm – SVM Spring 2015 – 3

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Spring 2015 - 3 November 28, 2014 Dear Norm! I want to commend you on the latest issue of Shepherd’s Voice Magazine. I am just overjoyed about the third paragraph in the left hand column of page 17 where you state the Bible does not teach that homosexuality is somehow greater than all other evils, that the Old Testament gave it the same penalty as...

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Ask Norm – SVM Spring 2015 – 2

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Spring 2015 - 2 March 26, 2014 Hello Norm! Passover and Wave sheaf go together. Just as the Passover is a solemn reminder of Christ’s death for our sins and the renewal of the covenant we entered into with Him, so the Wave sheaf Day is a glorious reminder of His resurrection to eternal life. It is our Hope and what we are waiting patiently for. You can’t...

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Ask Norm – SVM Spring 2015 – 1

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Spring 2015 SVM: I strongly feel the Scriptures in John 14:12 ought to be taken more seriously by all Christians so that the Body of Christ will grow up into maturity and attain the whole measure of the fullness of Christ and be ready for the soon-coming Rapture.Dear Jim, We agree that we should do “greater works” than Christ did while he was on the...

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Ask Norm – SVM Winter 2014 – 3

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Winter 2014 - 3 February 7, 2014 Sir, Enclosed is a small offering to help promote the gospel. I wish it could be more. But I just work part time. It is just my opinion, but here it is. What is the most important thing God wants you to DO??? This is more important than your personal Salvation. You need to answer this question NOW. Like Now—today. Unless...

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Ask Norm – SVM Winter 2014 – 2

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Winter 2014 - 2 January 17, 2014 Dear S.V. magazine, “Ask Norm!” I am very happy to be on your mailing list and first time writing. May God’s grace and mercy be upon you and family. Me and another inmate were discussing Scripture concerning Mary, the Mother of “Jesus Christ”. Scripture plainly says she had other sons and daughters (Gal 1:19; Matt 12:46;...

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Faith Interrupted – Jim Patterson – FOT 2019

The Gospel that Sells – Jim Patterson

From the Fiery Serpents to John 3:16


Friends in the Work


Independent Canadian Ministry – Calgary


Independent Canadian Ministry – Winnipeg


Children of the Promises


Footsteps – By Anne Koenig


Chicagoland Church of God


Golden Sheaves


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