Welcome to Shepherd's Voice Magazine

Shepherd’s Voice Magazine is a periodical and internet media outreach produced for the Sabbath and Holy Day keeping members of God’s Church.


Ask Norm SVM Winter 2013-2

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Winter 2013-2 February 4, 2013 Hi Norm, I am very interested in knowing how I know if I have the gift of knowledge from the Lord. I receive words and feel I want to share them. I have received some and shown them to someone at church and she says they are not always for now. You may need to wait on some of them. I need to talk to someone or get some...

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Ask Norm SVM Winter 2013 1

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Winter 2013-1 February 12, 2013 Dear  Norm, I read with interest your paper on a [a new church group’s] Doctrinal Position? It was excellent. I wanted to get a copy of the April 7, 1997 [new group’s publication]. I was very much interested by the statements of [a new group minister], “Not everyone is aware that our fundamental beliefs came directly from...

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Ask Norm SVM Fall 2013 -2

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Fall 2011 November 18, 2013 Dear Norm, Greetings and Salutations to you in the Names of Yahuah El Elyon and His Son Yahusha the Anointed One. I’d like to address a question to you that I know you’ve been asked many times in the past, and have even been asked by me, and I just wasn’t satisfied with your answers because I felt that they didn’t really...

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Ask Norm SVM Fall 2013

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Fall 2013 Dear Norm, I was born and raised SDA. I had to go the rebel way for many years. Our gracious Creator found me “bleeding” on the floor of a solitary jail cell, and took my pain. A couple weeks later, after continuing in prayer and Scripture, I was reading Tozer’s “Pursuit of God” and a Messenger from heaven gave me the message: “Daughter, keep...

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Ask Norm Summer 2013 – 2

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Summer 2013 February 2013 Attention: Norman Edwards I have been a member of the Church of God since my involvement with the Worldwide Church of God in 1981. I am presently involved in the Education Ministry at our local congregation here in Toronto, Ontario, giving sermonettes recently on “Spiritual Warfare” I am writing to you in response to reading...

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Ask Norm! SVM Summer 2013

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards Ask Norm! SVM - Summer 2013 Dear Norm, Hi how are you? I had a question about the biblical calendar which I am hoping you can help me out with. My question is as follows: Let’s say I have a start date in the Gregorian calendar. I also have a length of time IN THE BIBLICAL CALENDAR TIME FRAME, 483 years. My question is with just these two pieces of information, can...

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Ask Norm Winter 2012-3

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Winter 2012 Ananias and Sapphira Struck Dead for Lying: Is the Story Fake? My senses tell me that the real inventors of the Bible, sought to instill FEAR of religious and secular rulers in the minds of human beings. For example, in the story about Ananias and Sapphira supposedly being struck dead at the feet of Peter over lying and money matters, it is...

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Ask Norm Winter 2012-2

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Winter 2012 Is God “Barbaric” in the Old Testament? I am a believer in Jesus Christ and based upon the four Gospels, His primary teaching is about LOVE, COMPASSION, MERCY, EMPATHY and HUMILITY. That makes sense to my logic, where many of the other writings in the Bible, both Old and New Testaments do not. I consider the Old Testament as portraying God in...

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Ask Norm – SVM Winter 2012-1

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Winter 2012 Can We Trust the Bible When It Claims to Speak for God? Even what is called “the Bible” is INK on PAPER, and because writers of past ages made such claims as “thus saith the Lord” or “all scripture is given by inspiration of God” and similar statements, millions have believed that God in heaven is the author. None of us living today are...

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Ask Norm – SVM Spring 2012

Ask Norm! By Norman S. Edwards From SVM - Spring 2012 Dear Norm, (February 11, 2012) [Please send me Shepherd’s Voice Magazine.] I was born and raised in Glasgow, Scotland. Joined the British Army, Royal Army Medical Corps, and took a nursing degree. I stayed in Germany 10 years. When I returned to the UK it was very difficult to speak English again! I went to Portland Bible College and got my...

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Faith Interrupted – Jim Patterson – FOT 2019

The Gospel that Sells – Jim Patterson

From the Fiery Serpents to John 3:16


Friends in the Work


Independent Canadian Ministry – Calgary


Independent Canadian Ministry – Winnipeg


Children of the Promises


Footsteps – By Anne Koenig


Chicagoland Church of God


Golden Sheaves


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